Powerpoint Roulette

Powerpoint Roulette is about presenting random slides with random titles to a random audience


8:05 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Wednesday 23rd


Room F1+F2+F3 - Plenary


Everyone looking for a laugh or a challenge


  • Improvisation is a ton of fun
  • Storytelling is so powerful it can make any presentation work
  • You will wonder why you've always focussed on content rather than story

The only theatresport you'll need this ATD!

A staple on the Agile Testing Days: Powerpoint Roulette! (Previously named Powerpoint Karaoke but people wouldn't join because they didn't want to sing: it is about talking, not singing!).

The concept is very simple: you present a story based on a randomized title with randomized slides. You will learn how storytelling can make any presentation interesting even if the content is 100% randomly generated.

Using a Python based generator, we will generate completely new presentation decks on the go for each person presenting. Along the way we usually have a ton of fun and find some inspiration of how storytelling can improve your presentation.

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