Mind Maps in Motion

120-minute Workshop

When you've got thoughts you've having trouble communicating or testing that's incredibly complex, turn to mind maps to help organize your thoughts!


2:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Friday 22nd


Room D1+D2 - Track 7: Workshops


Anyone who has complex thoughts to organize


  • Parts of a mind map and tools used to create them
  • Mind maps as a way to organize thoughts
  • Mind maps as a way to build testing strategies
  • Mind maps as a way of formulating an argument

Organizing complex thoughts on a topic can be a challenge, especially if the topic has many different directions you can take it. It can be difficult to keep everything straight and follow the threads that are most important.

Mind maps are an organizational tool that lets you group similar thoughts and find links between them. They can be used to investigate test cases and test plans, create personas, work through presentations, and more!

Join Jenny Bramble for a dive into the history of mind maps, some modern tools, and some interesting use cases like creating test cases, forming arguments, or creating presentations.

Participants can expect to create mind maps collaboratively with the group on a range of topics as well as learning good mind map practices using colors, images, and other rich media.

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